PHP exifTool

Here is a great example of Php array code using Exiftool. This shows how to dump ExifTool Tag Names into an array. I moved this from my old blog if it looks familiar. I have used this on my own site, and it works great!

	read exif from exiftool from image into raw array
	two different ways to do it here depending on what you like
//exec('exiftool -s ' . '"' . $path_to_image . '"', $exif_raw_array);   
// note the -s flag returns tags with no spaces -n removes data formatting will work with either or none

exec('exiftool -s -n -Orientation -ImageWidth -ImageHeight -Title -ImageDescription -Keywords -Copyright -Artist -Make -Model -LensModel -FocalLength -FocalLengthIn35mmFormat -ShutterSpeedValue -ApertureValue -ISO -DateTimeOriginal -City -State -Country -Location -GPSSpeed -GPSAltitude -GPSLatitude -GPSLongitude ' . '"' . $path_to_image . '"', $exif_raw_array);

	extract tagname and tagname value from raw array
// note var_dump(exif_raw_array) to visualize what needs to be done
foreach ($exif_raw_array as $key => $value)  {
$string_length_of_value_field = strlen($value); // need string length for calculation below
$position_of_colon = strpos($value, ':'); //get the position of the colon to use in calculation below

$exiftool_tagname = substr($value, 0, $position_of_colon); // shorten the full string starting at position 0 and ending at the colon
$exiftool_tagname = ltrim($exiftool_tagname); // trim any white space on the left that may exist
$exiftool_tagname = rtrim($exiftool_tagname); // trim any white space on the right that may exist
// done - now have $exiftool_tagname extracted by itself

// same technique as above just extracting the other end of the string
$exiftool_tagname_value = substr($value, ($position_of_colon+1), ($string_length_of_value_field-$position_of_colon));
$exiftool_tagname_value = ltrim($exiftool_tagname_value);
$exiftool_tagname_value = rtrim($exiftool_tagname_value);
// done - now have $exiftool_tagname_value extracted by itself

	enter variables into exiftool_final_array with predictable fields
$exiftool_final_array[$exiftool_tagname] = $exiftool_tagname_value;

	end of exif_raw_array loop

	destroy exif_raw_array - no need to keep in memory
	done - new clean array is ready to use - try var_dump($exiftool_final_array)
	to see